President Al-Alimi  receives US Ambassador
President Al-Alimi receives US Ambassador
Tue ، 16 Jul 2024 11:37

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, received today, Tuesday,  Mr. Steven Fagin, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Yemen.

During the meeting they reviewed areas of bilateral cooperation between the two friendly countries, developments in the Yemeni situation, regional developments, and a number of issues of common interest.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council was briefed by the American Ambassador on the development and humanitarian support programs provided by the United States and its international agencies, including the rehabilitation of the Yemeni Coast Guard Forces, and efforts to combat terrorism, smuggling, and organized crime.

The President stressed the importance of the donor community to fulfilling its pledges to the humanitarian response plan through the Central Bank of Yemen, accelerating procedures for moving the headquarters of international organizations and their local partners to the interim capital, Aden, and strictly adhering to the legal status of the UN member state.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council briefed the US Ambassador on local developments, including the economic and administrative reforms led by the Council and the government, and the efforts of brothers and friends to launch a comprehensive political process in accordance with the terms of reference agreed upon nationally, regionally, and internationally.

In this context, the President stressed the importance of supporting government reforms and its efforts to deter any threat to the legal status of the state, impose its control over the entire national territory, and secure international shipping lines and vital national installations of the Yemeni people.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Yahya Al-Shuaibi, Director of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic.

President Al-Alimi confirms State’s commitment to fully support health sector

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council( PLC), reaffirmed the commitment of the Council and the government to work along with the international community to protect the humanitarian actions community
