PLC discusses local developments and priorities for the next stage
PLC discusses local developments and priorities for the next stage
Tue ، 26 Mar 2024 21:44

The Presidential Leadership Council held a meeting chaired by His Excellency Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Council, and in the presence of its members, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, Abdul Rahman Al-Maharami, Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi, Othman Mojli, and Faraj Al-Buhsani, while Council members Sultan Al-Arada and Tariq Saleh were absent with an excuse.

The Council addressed developments in the economic, living, political, security and military conditions, and the executive measures required to continue the state’s fulfillment of its imperative obligations during the next stage. The Presidential Leadership Council discussed a number of proposals and reports submitted by the President of the Council and its members regarding some deferred entitlements, additional evaluations of executive performance during the previous stage and the extent of compliance with the Council’s decisions, recommendations and directives at various levels.

The meeting stressed the necessity of strict adherence to legal regulations and systems, and the adoption of the principles of good governance, justice and equal opportunities in all state institutions. In a way that achieves the public interest, enhances the effectiveness, transparency and integrity of government agencies, and their ability to face challenges and alleviate the suffering of citizens that has been exacerbated by Houthi terrorist militia attacks on oil installations and international shipping lines.

In addition, the Presidential Leadership Council expressed its great pride on the anniversary of “Decisive Storm”, which was launched by the Coalition to Support Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on March 26, 2015. The “Decisive Storm” was in response to the call of brotherly and Arab duty, for confronting the terrorist Houthi militia project that imposed its ongoing war on the Yemeni people, supported by the Iranian regime.

In another context, the Presidential Leadership Council welcomed the UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the holy month of Ramadan. The PLC hoped  that this resolution and all regional and international efforts will lead to ending the brutal war against the Palestinian people, realizing their aspirations to establish their independent state and bring peace and stability to the region.

President Al-Alimi confirms State’s commitment to fully support health sector

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council( PLC), reaffirmed the commitment of the Council and the government to work along with the international community to protect the humanitarian actions community
