President Al-Alimi meets with leadership of Ministry of Defense, Chief of General Staff, and commanders of military, regions, and axes forces
President Al-Alimi meets with leadership of Ministry of Defense, Chief of General Staff, and commanders of military, regions, and axes forces
Mon ، 25 Mar 2024 21:33

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, held an extensive meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff, heads of authorities, commanders of military, regions, and axes forces, and the Joint Operations Authority.

At the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by Major General Mohsen Al-Daerii, Minister of Defense, and via video call, Lieutenant General Saghir Bin Aziz, Chief of the General Staff and Commander of Joint Operations. His Excellency the President asked to  observe a minute of silence for mourning the souls of the martyrs of the Armed Forces, security forces, popular resistance, and all military and security formations.The president also asked to observe a moment of silence for those who sacrificed their lives for freedom and the Republican system and for  those lost their lives by the Iran- backed Houthi terror machine.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council, on his own behalf and the council members, saluted members of the Armed Forces stationed in various locations. President al- Alimi expressed pride in the sacrifices made by the members of this national institution, the popular resistance, and all military formations that  are united in the battle to defend the Republican system and the inclusive national project, which starts with ending the coup and restoring state institutions.

His Excellency the President reiterated  thanks and gratitude for the stances of the brothers in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who have provided all forms of support, including the lives of their sons to support Yemeni people’s cause, their constitutional legitimacy. In addition to the support provided by the Arab coalition to defend Yemeni people’s Arab identity, and foil the schemes of the Iran- backed Imamate  project.

His Excellency stated, "we are very proud that  our meeting coincides with the anniversary of Operation Decisive Storm and the epic of Aden liberation, that comes weeks after Al-Dhalea liberation as a gate of victory to restore all the southern governorates. Those southern governorates, along with Marib, Taiz, Al-Jawf, and the rest of the governorates nowadays represent the core center of our battle and national project to restore state institutions and achieve the aspirations of our people for freedom, equality, stability, and development."

His Excellency stressed the importance of such meeting with the leaders of the Armed Forces, as it comes amidst interconnected challenges and the requirements for the military institution to effectively respond to the changes of this stage and its consequences, including enhancing deterrence capabilities and maintaining maximum readiness for any options.

He recalled that the Houthi militias are still betting on the war option despite their miserable failure over the past years, which has only resulted in further abuses, violations, sufferings, and restrictions on opportunities to help our people, especially in Houthi- controlled areas.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council affirmed the Council and the government's awareness of the requirements of the current circumstances and their potential paths, which requires everyone to work doubly and creatively.

In this context, the President stressed proceeding with the program of unifying armed forces, security forces, and all military formations. He said, in addition to reorganizing and integrating them under the umbrella of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, and in accordance with the Power Transfer Declaration. This is based on a deep belief that the principle of national armies as a safety gate for nations can only be achieved within the framework of the operational decision-making unification, at various levels.

President Al-Alimi stressed that the training and rehabilitating program, which has been initiated, will remain a priority for the public leadership and a key part in the  plans of the Ministry of Defense, the  Chief of General Staff, and all military formations. The program aims at qualifying the personnel of the armed forces in a manner that meets the needs of the operational theaters and their various developments.

His Excellency expressed his confidence that the military institution would be the first to implement ongoing financial and administrative reforms in state institutions. He considers such reforms as a gateway to developing such national institution and improving the situation of its members, regardless of their military ranks and positions.

In his concluding remarks, he pledged to follow the path of the righteous martyrs and the wounded, live up to their sacrifices, commemorate their memory and alleviating the suffering of their families. This will be achieved through accelerating the process of establishing a national authority to take care of the wounded and the families of martyrs. This authority will be established in the near future, with the help of Almighty Allah .

In the meeting, the Minister of Defense, the Chief of General Staff, heads of authorities, and commanders of military forces, regions, and axes spoke greatly and made valuable interventions that reflect their commitment to work in accordance with the directives of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, in addition to the approved plans and programs to consolidate achieved gains and maintain unity in facing imminent challenges.

The interventions praised the achievements of the military institution since the formation of the Presidential Leadership Council. The interventions stressed the importance of the implemented reforms in strengthening the fronts, ensuring regularity in government institutions and bodies work, and achieving security and stability in the interim capital Aden and the other liberated governorates.

The meeting was attended by Major General Ahmed Al-Aqeeli, the Director of the Office of the Supreme Commander,and Major General Saleh Al-Maqaleh, the Director of the Office of the President of the Presidential Leadership Council.

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