President Al-Alimi calls on Int’l community to count on legitimate government as a close partner to secure Int’l navigation
President Al-Alimi calls on Int’l community to count on legitimate government as a close partner to secure Int’l navigation
Sat ، 17 Feb 2024 20:31

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, renewed the call for the international community to extensively designate the Houthi militia as a "terrorist" group. He called for supporting the legitimate government to extend its control over all of Yemen’s territory in order to end these militias' threats to maritime navigation, regional and international security.

During a discussion panel on Yemen and the situation in the Red Sea, President Al-Alimi pointed out that the ‏continuing control by the terrorist Houthi militia over certain governorates would keep the  threats against the region and the world, including international shipping lanes .

"If we want to end this Houthi piracy, we should address the source roots of this threat, and that can only be achieved by ending the coup, restoring State institutions, and  exerting maximum pressure on the Iranian regime." He added

His Excellency the President urged the international community to strengthen the capacity of the Yemeni government and Red Sea countries  to be active partners in addressing such challenges and helping to stabilize the region and the world.

The President noted that the International Community has finally come to wake up to see a real disaster after the terrorist Houthi militias had turned to a global problem due to  disrupting commercial shipping business flows to Europe.

President al-Alimi said: however the International Community is still busy asking a repeated question: in case the war in Gaza ceased, would the Houthis stop the escalation in the Red Sea?

He added, "Definitely the Red Sea will never cease to be an explosive flashpoint at every political turning point, ‏in light of continuing control by the militias over coastal areas."

His Excellency said: "The only way for good long-term investment in Yemen is to support Yemeni State and help its legitimate authority in building institutions and drying up sources of funding and weapons."

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council reiterated rejection of the terrorist militias' actions in the Red Sea. He noted that from the very beginning, Yemenis could officially and popularly easily distinguish between the moral position in support of the Palestinian cause and the opportunist behavior that sought to take the advantage of Gaza tragedy to serve political and regional agendas as the terrorist Houthi militias did.

The President called on the International Community to support the Yemeni government's capabilities to control its sovereignty over the Red Sea, strengthen its operational capabilities to be an active partner in monitoring, warning and intervening.

He said, "As long as the source of these threats is on land, addressing them starts from land, and this is mainly a Yemeni issue."

His Excellency concluded by stressing that the Yemeni government is earnestly seeking to be a partner in supporting international navigation security.

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Today, Wednesday, His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohhammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, made a telephone call with Governor of Hadhramaut, Mabkhout bin Madi
