President Al-Alimi briefs the government on priorities and directives of the upcoming stage
President Al-Alimi briefs the government on priorities and directives of the upcoming stage
Mon ، 12 Feb 2024 11:44

His Excellency Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, chaired a part of the cabinet meeting today ,Monday at Ma'ashiq  Presidential Palace, in the presence of the new Prime Minister, Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency the President renewed his congratulations to  Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak on gaining the confidence of the Presidential Council. He also praised the efforts of his predecessor, Dr. Mu’ain Abdulmalik, for leading government work over the past period. 

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council reaffirmed his commitment and the Council members’ to support the government and enable it to exercise its full powers ‏under the Constitution and law.

His Excellency pointed out that restoring state institutions, ending the terrorist Houthi militia’s coup, making a difference, and building a model in liberated governorates would remain a top priority to presidential and governmental’s work.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council stressed the Council and government's commitment to keep national cohesiveness and protect the broad national consensus among all components on restoring state institutions and ending the coup as a top priority.

In this context, the President saluted the heroic resilience of the armed, security forces, and all military formations, and their great sacrifices against the Imamate -Iran backed Houthi project.

President Al- Alimi pointed out that the Presidential Leadership Council is fully aware of the challenges and difficulties facing the government, especially at the time of halting oil exports due to Houthi terrorist attacks and their catastrophic humanitarian consequences. However, he expressed confidence in the Council and the government's determination to overcome such challenges by working together as one team, with the support of the brothers in the Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in addition to foiling the terrorist militia's plan to plunge the country into a massive humanitarian crisis.

The President reaffirmed that peace will remain a priority for the Presidential Leadership Council and the government, "because it is in the best interest of the Yemeni people." Stressing that desired peace is an honorable and just peace under the nationally, regionally, and internationally agreed-upon reference,  especially Security Council Resolution 2216.

In this context, His Excellency praised the role of our brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their ongoing initiatives aimed at ending the war and restoring security, stability, and peace in Yemen.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council, briefed the Prime Minister and government members on the priorities for the upcoming stage on various political, economic, service, and humanitarian levels . His Excellency pointed out that the government’s task is to carry out its responsibilities to strengthen citizens, regional and international community’s confidence in public institutions by building the desired model in liberated governorates, adopting principles of transparency, accountability, inclusive governance programs, and supporting the judiciary's authority to exercise its constitutional and legal power in establishing justice, enforcing the rule of law, and enhancing state's prestige .

"In this framework, we are awaiting a decision  on establishing the tender committee and activating control bodies, combating corruption and restructuring the relationship between the central government and the local authorities," he added.

He emphasized that the key to achieving progress in the program of regaining confidence in State institutions starts  by establishing justice and improving security work as a guarantor for internal stability of all institutions to work within the country. In addition to securing the field activities of ministers as it will always be the true indicator of the government's success.

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council urged the government to enhance its efforts in combating smuggling and activating laws and regulations related to safety of citizens and protecting national economy.

Economically, President Al-Alimi stressed that institutions' competence and enhancing confidence depend on securing public revenues of the state to fulfill it’s imperative obligations and this what makes economic growth in the center of government programs and its transitional priorities.

"The government would prepare and approve the state’s general budget in accordance with the constitutional and legal measures," he further stated.

He stressed the need for adopting ascetic policies to rationalize expenditure and reduce the general budget deficit, in line with working on developing non-oil revenues, improving access to them in all governorates and improving agricultural and fishery sectors as key factor of food security.

The president of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi directed the government to support the efforts of the Central Bank of Yemen and its independence in managing monetary policies and to use its available tools to control inflation for strengthening national currency and monetary stability.

He also directed the government to enhance partnership with the private sector as a leader of development and its driving force for implementing vital projects and alleviating  the burden of  state in providing employment opportunities and reducing unemployment.

He urged the government to redouble its efforts to fulfill its commitments and make optimal use of resources in serving citizens, meeting their needs and rights,  including improving key  services and regular payment of employees’ salaries. His Excellency directed the government to honor martyrs’ and injured families by establishing an authority to take care of them.

At the level of foreign policy, President Al-Alimi presented a set of action determinants for the upcoming stage based on mobilizing regional and international support to the Yemeni people's issue, correcting distorting narratives and disclosing Houthi terrorist militia's acts and their serious violations to human rights.

He stressed the importance of keeping the international community united on our just cause and stressing the need for an active response to the requirements of designating Houthi militias as a global terrorist organization.

The President directed the government to provide all facilitates to humanitarian, relief, and development agencies and hold those impeding  the agencies’ work, accountable.

He emphasized continuing the policy of correcting conditions of the diplomatic missions and reducing number of unneeded embassies, attachés and jobs. He called for re-considering policies of abroad scholarships and limiting them to scholarships of rare specializations, in addition to focusing on internal scholarships for excellent students.

He confirmed the need to establish an effective media discourse in accordance with plans, policies and directives implemented by all components within the Coalition of Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen in participation with forces and platforms that are anti- Iranian-backed Imamate agenda.

President Al-Alimi ended his speech by a number of additional directives making Aden in the focus of the government's attention and strengthening its position as an interim capital and emblem of enlightenment.

He stressed the importance of working from official headquarters and that top rank official should not, at any institution travel except for emergencies. He stressed avoiding any conflict of interest, and approving Yemeni Rial in all internal dealings.

He stressed the importance of raising awareness and guidance for combating terrorism and extremism, in addition to enhancing internal front, training, qualifying and capacity building and granting preference to the cadre working from inside the homeland.

In the meeting, Prime Minister Ahmad Bin Mubarak welcomed President Al-Alimi, reaffirming his government's commitment in implementing president’s directives as an executive framework for its work during the upcoming stage.

The Prime Minister also praised the role of his fellow government members in fulfilling their obligatory commitments towards the citizens and focusing on enhancing the status of Aden as an interim capital and all the cities of the country.

He also affirmed government’s commitment to give priority to the electricity sector as it is a national security issue, in addition to alleviating humanitarian suffering caused by the terrorist attacks of the Houthi militias on oil facilities and maritime security.

Bin Mubarak undertook to work hard towards achieving the desired change in vital sectors, including developing a strategy for communication and unified media discourse based on transparency and clarity.

The meeting wad attended by Dr. Yahia Al-Shuaibi, Director of the Presidency of the Republic. 

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