Presidential Leadership Council discusses developments in local situations
Presidential Leadership Council discusses developments in local situations
Tue ، 17 Sep 2024 17:12

The Presidential Leadership Council held a meeting today, Tuesday, headed by His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Council. The meeting was attended by all the Council members: Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi, Mr. Faraj Al-Bahsani, and via video conference Major General. Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, Sheikh Sultan Al-Arada, Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Mahrami, General Tariq Saleh, and Sheikh Othman Mujli.

The meeting has addressed developments in local situations at all levels, including the escalation of the Houthi militias' war, their gross violations of human rights, and the continued repercussions of their terrorist attacks on oil facilities and international shipping lines.

The meeting also discussed developments in the service, living and development conditions in the country, especially the developments in Hadhramaut Governorate. They also discussed the efforts made to meet the legitimate demands of Hadhramout’s people, and to enhance its historical status as a model to be emulated for the presence of the state and the rule of law.

The Presidential Leadership Council listened to briefings and assessments of the situation in the governorate at various levels, and the efforts made to enhance security, stability and improve living and service conditions to alleviate the suffering of citizens. Especially in the electricity, education and water sectors, and mobilize all energies to overcome the repercussions of the terrorist Houthi militia attacks on oil facilities and international shipping lines.

Moreover, the Council reviewed the reports submitted by the local authority and relevant authorities, including ideas for formulating a joint plan on the priorities of the stage and the requirements for its implementation in various fields.

The Presidential Leadership Council affirmed its full understanding of the demands of the people of Hadhramaut, noting the awareness of all its components: local authority, political and societal forces, in strengthening the national cohesiveness, distancing the governorate from any tensions or internal disputes. The Council affirmed the necessity to devoting energies to Hadhramaut,s development, alleviating the suffering of its people and enhancing its presence in local and central decision-making.

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