President Al-Alimi salutes heroes of armed forces for confronting terrorist organizations
President Al-Alimi salutes heroes of armed forces for confronting terrorist organizations
Fri ، 16 Aug 2024 17:39

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, made a telephone call today, Friday, to Major General Abu Bakr Hussein Salem, the Governor of Abyan Governorate, Commander of Abyan Axis, to review the situation in the governorate. In addition to the details of the cowardly terrorist attack that targeted a military site of the third Support and Reinforcement Brigade in Mudiyah District, leaving a number of martyrs and wounded. 

The President of the Presidential Leadership Council was briefed on a preliminary report by the Governor of Abyan about the treacherous attack carried out by the hands of crime and terrorism. His Excellency has given his directives for providing the necessary support to the families of the martyrs, and medical care for the wounded.

His Excellency the President praised the heroic epics conducted by the heroes of the armed forces in confronting terrorist organizations, including the Houthi militias that cooperate with them, and confronting their miserable attempts to destabilize security, stability, and exacerbate the humanitarian disaster in the country. 

The President stressed that such terrorist operations will never undermine the determination and insistence of the Presidential Leadership Council, the government, the armed forces, the security, and all military formations to defeat criminal organizations, most notably Al-Qaeda and ISIS, which cooperate with the terrorist Houthi militia supported by the Iranian regime.

His Excellency the President stressed the importance of the role of security and intelligence agencies in tracking down terrorist organizations and drying up their roots and funding sources in coordination with all regional and international partners, considering that terrorism is a global phenomenon that requires concerted efforts to eradicate and eliminate it.

The President of the Leadership Council, on behalf of himself, members of the Council and the government, expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to the families and relatives of the heroic martyrs, and his wishes for a speedy recovery for the wounded.

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Today, Wednesday His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, received Mr. Steven Fagin
