President Al-Alimi along with Abdullah Al-Alimi and Othman Mujli visit Hadhramaut Police College
President Al-Alimi along with Abdullah Al-Alimi and Othman Mujli visit Hadhramaut Police College
Sun ، 04 Aug 2024 15:50

His Excellency, President Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, along with members of the Council Dr. Abdullah Al-Alimi and Sheikh Othman Mujli, paid a visit to the Police College in Hadhramaut Governorate. The President of the Presidential Leadership Council and the two members of the Council were received at the college headquarters by Mr. Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, the Governor of Hadhramaut, Chairman of the Security Committee in the Governorate, Major General Talib Bargash, the Commander of the Second Military Region, Brigadier General Moti’a Al-Menhali, the Director General of Police in the Hadhramaut Coast, and Brigadier General Dr. Saleh Al-Tamimi, the Director of the Police College.

His Excellency, the President and the members of the Council, in the presence of Mr. Akram Al-Amiri, the Deputy Chairman of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission, and Mr. Badr Basalma, the Advisor to the President of the Leadership Council for Local Authority Affairs, witnessed a symbolic parade by squadrons of college students, which includes 316 students specializing in police, legal, and training sciences.

The military parade demonstrated the high professional capabilities of the members of the Police College and the level of discipline, commitment, academic education, physical fitness, and skills they have acquired and their readiness to defend the homeland, its security, and stability.

The President of the Leadership Council addressed the students of the Police College in a guiding speech in which he praised the high level of qualification and success achieved by the college in various specializations.

The President praised the efforts of the college leadership and its teachers in achieving the desired development of the Security Academy, and the wonderful level it has reached in the fields of training and academic achievement.

His Excellency praised the role of the previous political leadership that directed the establishment of the Security Academy, and the previous local authority led by the member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Faraj Al-Bahsani, who had clear impact on the completion of this great security edifice.

He highly appreciated the role of the current local authority in pushing forward towards developing the college as one of the great national gains for the people of the eastern governorates, and the security institution in general.

His Excellency the President noted the support that the college and all state institutions receive from the brothers in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as part of their honorable positions alongside the Yemeni people, their political leadership, and their security and stability.

The President of the Leadership Council affirmed the commitment of the Council and the government to provide all forms of support to the Police College in Hadhramaut Governorate, including providing buses to facilitate the transportation of students and faculty members, and sponsoring the activities and programs of the college.

Brigadier General Saleh Al-Tamimi, the Director of the Police College, delivered a welcoming speech to the President of the Presidential Leadership Council and the members of the Council, referring to the importance of the college in the national project to rebuild state institutions.

Brigadier Al-Tamimi expressed his great thanks and appreciation to the leaders of the state, the previous and current local authority, and the  Coalition to Support Legitimacy for the support provided to the college, which was established according to the best regulations and standards in academic security sciences.

The security parade was attended by Major General Ahmed Al-Aqili, the Director of the Office of the Supreme Commander, Saleh Al-Omqi, the Secretary-General of the Local Council in Hadhramaut Governorate, the governorate's deputies, and a number of other officials, military and security leaders.

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