Speech of His Excellency President Al-Alimi on the anniversary of October 14th Revolution
Speech of His Excellency President Al-Alimi on the anniversary of October 14th Revolution
Sun ، 13 Oct 2024 17:01

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

To the free people of Yemen, wherever you may be,

On behalf of myself, my fellow members of the Presidential Leadership Council, and the government, I extend to you greetings of pride and dignity once again on this glorious day – the 14th of October. This day, when the martyr Rajeh Labouza and his brave companions set our nation on the path to glory and independence from the towering mountains of Radfan, after waging heroic battles in the north in support of the September 26 Revolution.

On this great anniversary, we stand to draw inspiration from the capital, Aden – the free city, our eternal gathering place. Aden has always been and remains the heart of the national movement, its unity, and the cradle of enlightenment, coexistence, and peace.

We cannot celebrate this immortal day of October without highlighting the national unity that was embodied in Aden and the southern regions, from Hawf to Bab al-Mandeb. This unity defied any alternative frameworks that did not align with the dream of a state based on equal citizenship.

The state dreamed of by the heroes of October and September is the same state you are fighting for today – a state that does not discriminate among its people based on sect, race, or region. It is a state that guarantees rights and freedoms and ensures the participation of women and youth in shaping a secure future for all.

Therefore, you must believe, O great people, that the future belongs to you, and that Yemen will overcome all obstacles if our hearts and efforts are united. We will achieve this together with confidence and sincerity.

As we have learned from the beautiful legacy of the principles of September and October, we must always begin by honoring the sacrifices of the martyrs and extending our gratitude to our armed forces, security forces, all military formations, and the popular resistance. As well as we extend our gratitude to our brave brothers in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Fellow Citizens,

Despite the challenges and difficult circumstances brought about by the Houthi militia coup, the spirit of September, October, and November continues to be reborn with each new dawn.

Today, amid these intertwined challenges, we find ourselves facing a historic responsibility that calls for the unification of the republican front and standing firm against new colonial projects through which the Iranian regime seeks to usurp the will of our people, tear apart their identity, and fragment their social fabric.

The October Revolution, and the legendary resilience shown over the years, have taught us that strong will can achieve the impossible and that limited resources do not equate to weakness when coupled with determination and a deep faith in the righteousness of our cause.

Therefore, celebrating the anniversaries of October and November is no longer merely a passing tradition, but a necessary struggle to address the effects of the past, acknowledge the challenges of the present, and reaffirm that our political project, based on republicanism, democracy, and independence, is still brimming with many achievements and transformations.

Dear Free Citizens,

The anniversary of October is rich with values and struggle and holds a special place in our national memory. There is no better occasion than this glorious day to renew our call to all political and social forces to strengthen their national alignment in the mission to navigate through this increasingly complex phase, given the rapid developments in the region.

The values of October, September, and the current national entitlements compel us to work in a complementary manner to achieve our fundamental goals and to deter the projects of aggression and fragmentation led by the Iranian regime.

The genius of October lay in its success in achieving the project of independence, and it proceeded uniquely in meeting the requirements of state-building. This is the inspiration we must draw from as we engage in an integrated political process aimed at rebuilding and strengthening institutions in the liberated governorates, while simultaneously working towards the ultimate goal that must unite us all – to end the Houthi coup and the chaos that has engulfed parts of our beloved nation since September 21, 2014, as the regime of the Iranian Vilayat Faqih continues to destroy what remains of our sources of livelihood and human dignity.

To our great people, at home and abroad,

Yemen has suffered enough since the Houthi militias’ coup against the legitimate government on that black day. With their reckless actions, they are now inviting the Israeli enemy to strike the nation’s infrastructure and economic foundations, forgetting that their attacks in the Red Sea and surrounding waters have not altered the equation, nor have they prevented the destruction of the afflicted Gaza, or made a real difference on the battlefield. Rather, they have exacerbated suffering and harmed the interests of the peoples of the region.

The local and external challenges facing the Yemeni state will never cease as long as these rogue militias exist. Rather, they may take on a more dangerous form as the scope of confrontation widens and the humanitarian crisis deepens in the country.

For this reason, we have long made it clear that we will treat these militias and their supporters as an existential threat to the Yemeni people, their identity, and their relations with the regional and international community.

At the same time, the severity of the Iranian role does not blind us to Israel’s extremist actions throughout the region, and we continue to condemn its repeated aggression against Yemen, its people, and its national sovereignty.

Fellow Citizens,

We are fully aware that success depends on our economic and financial capabilities, as millions of our people struggle to meet their basic needs while the national currency continues to fluctuate, severely affecting daily life. This issue has been and will remain a top priority for the Presidential Leadership Council and the government.

Despite delays, the state remains committed to fulfilling its essential obligations, primarily the continued payment of salaries, securing fuel, ensuring the availability of essential goods, and maintaining basic services, particularly in electricity, water, education, and healthcare.

We are working, with your patience and sense of responsibility, and with the support of our brothers and friends, through a calm strategy aimed at turning successive crises into opportunities. We are turning the oil export crisis into an opportunity to increase self-revenues, and turning the frustration over the Central Bank decisions’ delay into an improved international reputation and broader diplomatic and developmental engagement, whose fruits you will see in the interim capital and liberated governorates. 

This strategy has seen good success in terms of building alliances, strengthening international confidence in the legitimate government, and undermining the narratives and misleading rhetoric of the militias. However, we must remain prepared for any potential attempt to resort to reckless escalation.

Regarding internal issues, we have empowered local authorities and communities with a greater role to assess the situation and determine the appropriate mechanisms for responsible engagement, in accordance with the constitution, references, and applicable laws.

For this reason, we have entrusted the Consultation Commission and Reconciliation Committees with a central role in strengthening cohesiveness, addressing emerging crises, and managing differences and priorities in a controlled manner, providing important lessons and fostering constructive solutions and policies.

Fellow Citizens,

We have reaffirmed to the world, through all means and from various platforms, your steadfast position in support of the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent, fully sovereign state, in accordance with international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative. We have also affirmed the position of the Republic of Yemen in support of the Lebanese state, its sovereignty, and its exclusive right to control arms and make decisions on peace and war.

We emphasize that halting Israeli aggression and its brutal violations is the key to achieving the desired peace and the way to remove the pretext used by Iran and its proxies to escalate tensions and seize the national wills of the region’s peoples.

We hope the Houthi militias will use these developments as an opportunity for self-reflection and to realize that the seizure of decisions on war and peace and reliance on external forces brings nothing but destruction and devastation. Putting the interests of the Yemeni people first, and safeguarding the integrity of the nation’s territory, is the best way to support the Palestinian cause and lead our country to safety.


Glory and eternity for the martyrs,

Recovery for the wounded,

Freedom for the prisoners and the disappeared,

Victory for the nation and its republican system.


A glorious and renewed October to you all, 

Happy October Anniversary 

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