Speech by His Excellency the President to the joint extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit
Speech by His Excellency the President to the joint extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit
Sat ، 11 Nov 2023 14:24

In the Name of Allah, the Most Benevolent, the Most Merciful,

Praise be to God who said, “And hold fast to the rope of God, altogether, and do not become divided.”

My brother, Your Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Chairman of the Arab Summit,
Your Majesties, Your Excellences, Your Highnesses,
Your Excellency Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit,
 Secretary General of the League of Arab States,

Your Excellency Mr. Hussein Ibrahim Taha, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Your Excellencies and Highnesses,

Allow me, at the outset, to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to the fraternal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of my brother, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and his Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, for graciously hosting this summit, and for their firm stances on the nation’s issues, defending its identity and national security.

Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,

Ladies and Gentlemen,,
The facts that have been shaking our region for weeks confirm that Palestine is still and will remain the heart and essence of the Arab conscience and the focus of its national security.
This has been demonstrated in the official Arab position, including this emergency summit, which confirms that we remain united as peoples and governments in support of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the fulfillment of their legitimate rights, at the forefront of which is the establishment of their independent, sovereign state, in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
In every test, Israel finds the same resistant position, unity, and overwhelming popular solidarity as it was the first time, and here it is today, through this summit, facing the same clear message affirming the justice of the Palestinian cause, and absolute support for it, the PLO, and President Mahmoud Abbas and his government, as a legitimate representative for the Palestinian people, and to strengthen collective and multilateral efforts to immediately stop the war on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, protect besieged civilians, and enable them to obtain life-saving aid.
Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,,
What is happening in Palestine today is an expected result when the power of right is ignored in favor of the right of power, when all peace initiatives are rejected, and the occupation based on excess force resorts to imposing De facto policies, and when the international community fails in its moral, legal, and political role in resolving just issues. 
This is the wisdom expressed in the reality of my country, which is afflicted by the coup of the Houthi militias supported by the Iranian regime against constitutional legitimacy and national reconciliation. Where the non-implementation of international legitimacy resolutions, and the major powers falling into policies that neglected the interests of the Yemeni people, led to more devastation and the empowerment of expansionist forces, and its fascist and terrorist groups to shuffling the cards, compromising on national issues and the pain of the people who pay the highest price for the war.
Based on this experience, and out of belief in just causes, the Republic of Yemen stands today, as it has always done, with the Palestinian people and all peoples who aspire to justice, equality, and an end to racism in all its forms.

Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,,

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Israeli occupation authority must realize that a sovereign state is an inevitable fate for the struggle of the Palestinian people. It must also clearly realize our collective support for this legitimate right, and our adherence to the declared Arab no’s during this crisis: No for the liquidation of the Palestinian cause, No for barbaric invasion, No for forced displacement, No for threatening the interests of our peoples, or the security of our region under any circumstances.
It is also expected that one of the priorities of the goals of this high summit is to work with the international community to support radical solutions to the Palestinian tragedy, in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions, and not to rely on anesthetizing or partial approaches whose implementation is conditional on a solution known to the unseen, but rather by eliminating the causes of violence and sustaining stability, peace and prosperity for the peoples of the region.
Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,
In conclusion, allow me to emphasize the importance of consciously distinguishing between the responsible position of support that aims to finding comprehensive and sustainable solutions to the Palestinian issue, and the attempts of the Houthi militias, and the terrorist organizations allied with them, to opportunistically jump on the plight of the Palestinian people, the catastrophe of Gaza’s destruction and the wounds, suffering and pain of its residents, and claim formal tournaments that contribute to nothing but perpetuating the reality of the dysfunctional Arab regime and dismantling the national state in the Arab region.
The best path - my brothers - to support the Palestinian people requires us to be on the same stance, strengthen our national states, our national security, and end internal disputes, wars and armed conflicts.

Therefore, on our part in the Presidential Leadership Council; we call on the Houthi militias to prove their seriousness in this context, not to exploit the tragedy of the Palestinian people with their synchronized escalation on all fronts in the liberated governorates, to end the siege of cities, to stop planting internationally prohibited mines, or targeting civilians with missiles and suicide drones, to deal responsibly with the road map proposed by our brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for a ceasefire, and reviving the comprehensive political process that preserves Yemen’s identity, status, and returns it to its Arab surroundings with greater strength in supporting the issues of the Arab nation, most notably the Palestinian issue, and enhancing security and stability in the region and the world.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God,

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